Thursday, 31 October 2013

Nursing ‘crisis’ forcing NHS to recruit 1,000s from overseas

Nursing ‘crisis’ forcing NHS to recruit 1,000s from overseas

Nursing 'crisis' forcing NHS to recruit 1,000s from overseas
Spain and Portugal have been the most popular hunting grounds for British hospitals (Picture: Alamy/File)
The ‘crisis-hit’ NHS is so short of nurses that it is being forced to recruit overseas, an investigation has shown.
Almost 1,400 health workers were drafted in by 40 hospital trusts last year, while a further 41 said they intended to follow suit over the next 12 months, the Nursing Times report said.
As the number of nursing course places has fallen 2,500 in three years, managers such as Maria Bentley of Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, are heading to recruitment fairs in Europe to plug staffing holes.
She said: ‘We are definitely in the midst of a nursing shortage. It has become more acute over the last year. In the last six months, we are just not getting applicants.’
Spain and Portugal have proved the most popular hunting ground for recruiters, with 29 nations providing nurses for British hospitals.
Dr Peter Carter, chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing, said ‘boom and bust workforce planning’ is endemic in the NHS.
He added: ‘It is perplexing that on the one hand nursing posts are being cut and training places being reduced, while on the other desperate managers are raiding overseas workforces.
‘It is clear that poor workforce planning has landed the NHS in a crisis, and it is patient care which is suffering.’
However, a Department of Health spokesperson said recruiting from abroad was ‘nothing new’ but that overseas nurses needed to prove their competence and language skills.

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