Friday, 18 October 2013

reading tips


#At the beginning of the reading test, it is very important to look at the main topic ,key ideas like glossary,table and  flow chart in the passage. This will help you later when you answer the questions.

# For  Multiple choice questions ,choose a key word from the question and scan the text for it quickly.

#Pick from the list , which is  an another  form of multiple choice question, you  are asked to answer more than one answers .So skim for gist and then scan for detail to answer. Remember to look for synonyms and paraphrases to get accurate answers because there are high chances to get confused with the other attractive but wrong options.

#Make sure that your own idea must not influence you to select an answer while selecting an answer for true/false /Not given and Yes /no /Not given.

#There are lots of strategies to attack Yes /no /not given and True /False /Not given .

#There are lots of students who have  lost their reading scores just for exceeding the asked  word limit. So remember do not exceed the asked word limit and  use pencil for writing your answers and that too in capital letters.Make sure you use the correct number.

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